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About Me

Jane Leung

Jane is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. She is an approved training assistant for Somatic Experiencing advanced level training. Her educational background includes a BA in Social Work from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a MA in Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies.

Jane has worked in many different mental health settings including psychiatric inpatient units, partial hospitalization programs, intensive case management programs and mental health outpatient clinics. Throughout her years of practice as a psychotherapist, she has served clients with different levels of psychiatric and mental health needs. 

Jane is fluent in English and Cantonese. She has over two decades of experience as a social worker and psychotherapist providing mental health treatment and services to clients in both Hong Kong and the United States. 



Certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) with the Somatic Experiencing International founded by Dr. Peter Levine, Ph.D.

Approved Training Assistant at the SE advanced level.

Approved Credited Personal Session Provider for SE intermediate level.


Completed SE Master Class - Chronic Pain, Syndromes, and Long COVID-19 with Dr. Peter Levine.


Completed Trauma Coupling Dynamics (TCD), Somatic Narrative and multi-modules training of Touch Skills Training (TST) with Dr Kathy Kain, Ph.D. 

Training Assistant for TCD and TST.


Completed Somatic Resilience and Regulation (SRR) training with Dr Kathy Kain, Ph.D. and Stephen Terrell, PsyD, SEP.


Completed four-level Certification in Dynamic Attachment Re-patterning experience (DARe). 


Trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). 

Untangling Trauma

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